Multi-media models are manufacture from a variety materials, thus the name, the body are usually cast in resin or white metal, the engines, suspension, chassis and other small parts are also white metal. Photoetch details are used where fine detail is required or where thin flat parts needs to be used, such as wing end plates on F1 cars.
Generally the wheels are CNC machined from aluminium as are other small round parts. All kits have rubber tyres (Model Factory Hiro vulcanise tyres in-house). High quality decals are supplied to finish the models to life like effect.
The instructions are well detailed diagrams taken from CAD assemblies showing where and how parts fit together.
Tips and Hints
Assembly is no different to a plastic kit, but here are a few tip to help you get the best from your model.
Wash all parts prior to painting to remove any mould release agents. If possible always use a Etch Primer/Metal Primer on metal parts, this keys into the metal making sure your paint does on peel off when being handled, you can also primer resin with Etch primer if needed.
Most small white metal parts can be bent with ease, so it is best to test fit assembles before gluing to check for fit, also checking if flash etc needs cleaning off. In some cases you might need to reshape body panels as well, but this is not difficult so don't worry.
Use Super Glue (CA) or 2 part Epoxy Glue on metal and resin as plastic glue will NOT work on these materials, they work by melting the plastic together.
So if you are looking for a challenging model to build or just can't find the subject in plastic, these are for you.